The Library

The largest philatelic library in the southern hemisphere, which is continually being expanded and improved, is open to all members during the day and evening meetings, and on the last Saturday of every month from 2pm to 5pm (except December). By arrangement with the Librarian the library may be opened on other occasions. The library contains thousands of items, from basic “how to” books through to the most specialised philatelic works. It includes a wide range of catalogues, journals from other societies around the world, and back issues of auction listings. Country members may borrow books on application to the Librarian, upon payment of postage.


Books and other publications are frequently added, and contemporary journals are kept up-to-date. 

Using the Library

The library is divided into sections. The section number is at the top of each section. Shelves containing books and priced catalogues are labelled to help you find publications.

All of the library’s books, serials and catalogues are recorded on the library’s computer.

You can examine or download a library index using the buttons below. If you download a catalogue index, you can search it using the free Adobe Acrobat DC reader. But you must download the reader first – it’s available at

The catalogue for Australia, states and territories  was updated on 4 July, 2024.

to use the Australian catalogue

We have updated the catalogue for all the “non-Australian” books (as at 20 Aug 2024). It is large but you can search through it using Adobe’s search facility.

to use the non-Australian catalogue

The library contains more than 650 priced catalogues, covering most countries of the world. The Australian section is extensive.

for the Priced Catalogue index

All of the auction houses can be accessed with the Auction Houses Listing. The Auction Houses Listing  was updated in May 2023.

This listing includes all of the international, Australian and New Zealand auction houses for which we have catalogues or lists. It tells you which of those auctions we hold in the library, and where to find them.  (Note that the Auction Houses listing is not in alphabetical order)

All of our auctions featuring significant collections are now recorded in the library. This list is accurate as at 30 September, 2024.

for auctions featuring significant collections

  We have collected listings of all the Australian auctions that feature significant collections. Nearly 250 auctions are currently listed.

for all the Australian auctions with notable collections. 

The library holds more than 700 journals and periodicals.

for journals and periodicals

The library holds over one hundred and forty cumulative indexes for journals and serial publications. The indexes are located in section 57.

Borrowing Books

Only items from the Book Collection are available for loan.  Stamp Catalogues, Journals, Auction Catalogues and Restricted-Access material are all available for reference only. 
Members are permitted to borrow 3 books at a time for a period of up to 4 weeks.  Renewal may be possible if there is not a request for the item. 
To borrow a book, check it out in the library system. When returning an item please check it back into the library system and leave it on the library desk for replacement.    
The member borrowing a book is responsible for its safe custody until returned to the library.  In the event of loss or damage to the item the member will be required to provide a replacement or compensation as designated by Council.  Country members may borrow books by post upon payment of postage.

Purchasing Books

We welcome suggestions to acquire new books, particularly those with an Australian philatelic flavour. Send your suggestion via the contact facilities on this website, or contact Allen Shatten directly.

Copyright © Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria 2009-2025